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Land & Tree Clearing

Working with a land clearing contractor can be useful if you’re looking to create space for development projects, make way for fire breaks and trails for hazard reduction burns, prepare for a building site or respond to storm damage.

It could be that you’re just looking to remove some vegetation around your property and need a tree clearing service to improve your home’s aesthetic. Whatever you need, Shane’s Trees is the reputable, reliable team of experts you can rely on.

Speak to Shane’s Trees about our land and tree clearing services…

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(02) 9528 4507



Trees Made Safe
Per Year


35 Years’ Experience




Trees made safe
per year

3 ISO Accreditations


Land Clearing Case Study: Kurnell Tornado


Shane’s Trees were called out to attend the emergency response cleanup after a tornado devastated Kurnell in December 2015. The area was hit by winds of up to 213 km/h which tore roofs off houses, tipped over cars and ripped buildings apart.

A number of trees were left damaged and unstable – posing a major threat to the general public from falling debris. Our team was involved with the cleanup in the community area and land clearing operations in a nearby hazard facility.

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(02) 9528 4507

Why Choose Shane’s Trees For Your Land & Tree Clearing Project?

Here’s why we’re the best in class for land clearing…

35 years’ experience

Full public liability insurance

Full workers comp insurance

Strict safety policies and procedures

Qualified arborists and experienced climbers

First-class equipment for any size project

Outstanding customer service

Legal disposal of waste

Respect for surrounding areas

Free quotes and advice

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(02) 9528 4507

There are many reasons to engage a land clearing, contractor, to conduct vegetation and Tree Clearing services. These reasons include making way for development projects and sub-divisions, Fire breaks and trails for hazard reduction burns, building site preparation or any other approved tree removal for residential lots or larger properties. It may also be an emergency response situation where storm damage has left a residential or commercial community area unsafe with the risk of falling trees or limbs.

Why Us?

Shane’s Trees have experience with all the above scenarios and our 35+ years in operation, makes us one of the most dependable and knowledgeable Tree Removal providers in Sydney. We have a well-established team that brings peace of mind to our clients and fast effective service at extremely competitive prices.

We are the best choice land clearing company for the following reasons:

35 Years ExperienceFull Public Liability Insurance
Full Workers Comp InsuranceSecond To None Customer Service
Only Dispose Of Waste LegallyStrict Safety Policies And Procedures
Equipment For Any Size ProjectPriority On Safety
Qualified Arborists / Experienced ClimbersRespect For Surrounding Property
Free Quotes And AdviceQuality Guarantee

Land Clearing Case study:

Shane’s Trees were called out to attend the emergency response cleanup after the dangerous Kurnell tornado devastated the area in December 2015. The area was hit by winds of up to 213 km/h which tore roofs off houses, tipped over cars and trucks, and left damaged trees and building everywhere in its path.  Our team was involved with the cleanup both in the community area and land clearing operations in a nearby major hazard facility.

emergency land clearing operations in sydney NSW

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Get A Complimentary Fast Quote

One of our friendly team members will get back to you before you can say ‘timber’!

Some factors that might affect your quote…

The size of your tree. Generally, the bigger it is, the longer it takes to remove – and the more space vegetation takes up in our trucks!

Ease of access. Trees around properties with steep embankments are often difficult to load onto vehicles.

Equipment needed. Certain projects require the use of barges, cranes and even helicopters which may be reflected in your quote.

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